Statistics of LEF/TCF-α without β-catenin HTPSELEX clones

Clone Statistics
SELEX Cycle Seq.reads Clones Colonies Clones with detectable inserts
2 374 373 374 366
3 327 326 327 319
5 254 222 251* 186
6 621 616 621 582
7 91 90 91 77
Site Statistics
SELEX Cycle Sites different sites different sites
error < 0.01%
per bp
error < 0.001% per bp
2 2125 2125(0) 2067 1893
3 7064 7046(18) 6169 6263
5 1503 1471(32) 1366 1128
6 3072 2500(597) 2327 2144
7 397 379(18) 359 328
SUM 14161 13521 12288 11756

Last update by Rouayda Cavin Périer November 2012