Perezrico 2017, H3K27ac maps in several adult tissues.


H3K27ac profiles of zebrafish adult brain, heart, intestine and testis generated by deep sequencing.



From D. rerio (July 2010 Zv9/danRer7).

ChIP-seq data:

Filename Description Feature GEO-ID
1 GSM2120818.sga brain|H3K27ac|Rep1 H3K27ac GSM2120818
2 GSM2120819.sga brain|H3K27ac|Rep2 H3K27ac GSM2120819
3 GSM2387512.sga heart|H3K27ac|1year|Rep1 H3K27ac GSM2387512
4 GSM2387513.sga heart|H3K27ac|1year|Rep2 H3K27ac GSM2387513
5 GSM2120826.sga heart|H3K27ac|Rep1 H3K27ac GSM2120826
6 GSM2387516.sga intestine|H3K27ac|1year|Rep1 H3K27ac GSM2387516
7 GSM2387517.sga intestine|H3K27ac|1year|Rep2 H3K27ac GSM2387517
8 GSM2120822.sga testis|H3K27ac|Rep1 H3K27ac GSM2120822
9 GSM2120823.sga testis|H3K27ac|Rep2 H3K27ac GSM2120823
10 GSM2120820.sga brain|input|Rep1 input GSM2120820
11 GSM2120821.sga brain|input|Rep2 input GSM2120821
12 GSM2387514.sga heart|input|1year|Rep1 input GSM2387514
13 GSM2387515.sga heart|input|1year|Rep2 input GSM2387515
14 GSM2120827.sga heart|input|Rep1 input GSM2120827
15 GSM2387518.sga intestine|input|1year|Rep1 input GSM2387518
16 GSM2387519.sga intestine|input|1year|Rep2 input GSM2387519
17 GSM2120824.sga testis|input|Rep1 input GSM2120824
18 GSM2120825.sga testis|input|Rep2 input GSM2120825

Technical Notes

FASTQ files were extracted from SRA files using fastq-dump (SRA toolkit v2.5.0) and mapped to the genome using Bowtie v0.12.8. SAM files were then converted into bam using samtools v0.1.14 and to bed using bamToBed v2.12.0 (bedtools). SGA conversion was carried out using (ChIP-Seq v. 1.5.3).


Last update: 1 Oct 2018