phyloP base-wise conservation .


PhyloP basewise conservation score derived from Multiz alignment of 27 insect species.



From D. melanogaster (Apr 2006 BDGP R5/dm3).


Filename Description Feature GEO-ID
1 phylop.sga PhyloP (27 species) score >= 2) PhyloP -

Technical Notes

The sources files are in WIG fixedStep format. Conversion into SGA was carried out with an ad hoc Perl script. In order to keep the SGA files reasonably compact, only positions with phyloP scores greater than a threshold value t were considered. The original real-valued scores were first dimished by t-1 and then rounded down to the nearest integer:
	  counts = int(phyoP_score-t+1)
The modified phyloP score is given in the count (5th) field of the SGA files.

Threshold value: 2.0


Last update: 1 Oct 2018