MachiBase: a Drosophila melanogaster 5\'-end mRNA transcription database. LiftOver from dm3.


This series contains transcription start site mapping from MachiBase. The data were generated with the oligo-capping technology.



From D. melanogaster (Aug 2014 BDGP Rel6 + ISO1 MT/dm6).

Transcription Profiling data:

Filename Description Feature GEO-ID
1 embryo_oligocap.sga Embryo oligo-capping TSS -
2 larva_oligocap.sga Larva oligo-capping TSS -
3 youngFemale_oligocap.sga Young female oligo-capping TSS -
4 youngMale_oligocap.sga Young male oligo-capping TSS -
5 oldFemale_oligocap.sga Old female oligo-capping TSS -
6 oldMale_oligocap.sga Old male oligo-capping TSS -
7 s2_oligocap.sga S2 cells oligo-capping TSS -
8 all_oligocap.sga All tissues oligo-capping TSS -

Technical Notes

Dataset lifted over from dm3


Genome browser viewable files

WIG files are available at: This file corresponds to the sample "All tissues, oligo-capping".

Last update: 1 Oct 2018