Pol-2, CTCF and c-Myc profiles were analysed in several cell lines. These samples are part of the UCSC traks on transcription factor binding sites identified in multiple cell types by ChIP-seq.
Additional information on the cell lines can be found on the ENCODE Common Cell Types page at UCSC.
Filename | Description | Feature | GEO-ID | |
1 | GSM822288.sga | A549 Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822288 |
2 | GSM822312.sga | GM12878 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822312 |
3 | GSM822292.sga | GM12878 Input | Input | GSM822292 |
4 | GSM822270.sga | GM12878 Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822270 |
5 | GSM822290.sga | GM12878 c-Myc | c-Myc | GSM822290 |
6 | GSM822294.sga | GM12891 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822294 |
7 | GSM822299.sga | GM12892 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822299 |
8 | GSM822278.sga | GM19238 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822278 |
9 | GSM822277.sga | GM19239 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822277 |
10 | GSM822276.sga | GM19240 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822276 |
11 | GSM822303.sga | Gliobla CTCF | CTCF | GSM822303 |
12 | GSM822268.sga | Gliobla Input | Input | GSM822268 |
13 | GSM822302.sga | Gliobla Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822302 |
14 | GSM822297.sga | H1-hESC CTCF | CTCF | GSM822297 |
15 | GSM822300.sga | H1-hESC Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822300 |
16 | GSM822274.sga | H1-hESC c-Myc | c-Myc | GSM822274 |
17 | GSM822279.sga | HUVEC CTCF | CTCF | GSM822279 |
18 | GSM822280.sga | HUVEC Input | Input | GSM822280 |
19 | GSM822306.sga | HUVEC Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822306 |
20 | GSM822298.sga | HUVEC c-Myc | c-Myc | GSM822298 |
21 | GSM822285.sga | HeLa-S3 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822285 |
22 | GSM822313.sga | HeLa-S3 Input | Input | GSM822313 |
23 | GSM822273.sga | HeLa-S3 Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822273 |
24 | GSM822286.sga | HeLa-S3 c-Myc | c-Myc | GSM822286 |
25 | GSM822287.sga | HepG2 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822287 |
26 | GSM822314.sga | HepG2 Input | Input | GSM822314 |
27 | GSM822284.sga | HepG2 Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822284 |
28 | GSM822291.sga | HepG2 c-Myc | c-Myc | GSM822291 |
29 | GSM822311.sga | K562 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822311 |
30 | GSM822293.sga | K562 Input | Input | GSM822293 |
31 | GSM822275.sga | K562 Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822275 |
32 | GSM822310.sga | K562 c-Myc | c-Myc | GSM822310 |
33 | GSM822305.sga | MCF-7 CTCF | CTCF | GSM822305 |
34 | GSM822308.sga | MCF-7 CTCF treated | CTCF | GSM822308 |
35 | GSM822283.sga | MCF-7 Input | Input | GSM822283 |
36 | GSM822295.sga | MCF-7 Pol2 | Pol2 | GSM822295 |
37 | GSM822304.sga | MCF-7 c-Myc | c-Myc | GSM822304 |
38 | GSM822296.sga | Monocytes-CD14+ Input | Input | GSM822296 |
39 | GSM822271.sga | NHEK CTCF | CTCF | GSM822271 |
SRA files were downloaded from GEO and processed using the following bash commands:
fastq-dump SAMPLE.sra
bowtie --best --strata -m1 --sam -l 36 -n 3 h_sapiens_ncbi36 -q SAMPLE.fastq > SAMPLE.sam
awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"} $3 != "\*" {print $0}' SAMPLE.sam > SAMPLE_clean.sam
samtools view -bS -o SAMPLE.bam SAMPLE_clean.sam
samtools sort SAMPLE.bam SAMPLE_sorted
bamToBed -i SAMPLE_sorted.bam > SAMPLE.bed
bed2sga.pl -s hg18 -f FEATURE < SAMPLE.bed | sort -s -k1,1 -k3,3n -k4,4 | compactsga > SAMPLE.sga