Maatouk 2017, Genome-wide identification of regulatory elements in Sertoli cells.


Genome-wide identification of regulatory elements in preSertoli cells based on DNaseI hypersensitivity. One biological replicate was analyzed for each of the eight mouse samples using DNase-seq. Two biological replicates for ChIP-seq (H3K27ac).



From M. musculus (July 2007 NCBI37/mm9).

DNase FAIRE data:

Filename Description Feature GEO-ID
1 GSM1281689 ES|cell culture DNase GSM1281689
2 GSM1281690 Primary fibroblast|cell culture DNase GSM1281690
3 GSM1856274 Testis|E13.5 embryos DNase GSM1856274
4 GSM1281688 Testis|E15.5 embryos DNase GSM1281688
5 GSM1281691 Whole brain|adult DNase GSM1281691
6 GSM1281692 Whole heart|adult DNase GSM1281692
7 GSM1281693 Whole kidney|adult DNase GSM1281693
8 GSM1281694 Whole liver|adult DNase GSM1281694

ChIP-seq data:

Filename Description Feature GEO-ID
1 GSM1864823 Testis|E13.5|H3K27ac|rep1 H3K27ac GSM1864823
2 GSM1864824 Testis|E13.5|H3K27ac|rep2 H3K27ac GSM1864824
3 GSM1864825 Testis|E13.5|input|rep1 input GSM1864825
4 GSM1864826 Testis|E13.5|input|rep2 input GSM1864826

Technical Notes

FASTQ files were extracted from SRA files using fastq-dump ( SRA toolkit v2.5.0) and mapped to the genome using Bowtie v0.12.8. As explained in the manuscript, only the first 20bp of each read were used for mapping, the others been adapters. SAM files were then converted into bam using samtools v0.1.14 and to bed using bamToBed v2.12.0 (bedtools). SGA conversion was carried out using (ChIP-Seq v. 1.5.3).


Last update: 1 Oct 2018