Data downloaded from GEO (GSE30202) for ES cell and NP cell
Filename | Description | Feature | GEO-ID | |
1 | GSE30202_BisSeq_ES_CpGDmeth.sga | ES Meth(-) | DMeth | GSM748786 |
2 | GSE30202_BisSeq_ES_CpGmeth.sga | ES Meth(+) | Meth | GSM748786 |
3 | GSE30202_BisSeq_NP_CpGDmeth.sga | NP Meth(-) | DMeth | GSM748788 |
4 | GSE30202_BisSeq_NP_CpGmeth.sga | NP Meth(+) | Meth | GSM748788 |
The sga files were gerenerated from tab-delimited text files available from the URL indicated above. These files provide the total number of read and non-methylated reads that map to C-residues in the mouse genome assembly mm9. Two sga files were generated from each experiment providing the coordinates of "methylated" and "demethylated" (methylation-depleted) C residues, respectively. Only C-residues that occur in a CpG context were considered. A C-residues was considered "methylated" if at least 50% of the reads covering the residue indicated methylation.