News archives

News from the EPD database and the other tools (ChIP-Seq, SSA, BCHub, PWMTools) and database (MGA) maintained by the CCG group.

2024-03-18PWMTools,EPDJoin IBIS! New TF binding specificity challenge open for registration

IBIS is an open challenge in Inferring Binding Specificities of human transcription factors from multiple experiment types with bioinformatics & machine learning. Have a look at our website, participate in our discussion forums, or contact us by email:
2023-11-17EPDEPDnew FTP repository archived in zenodo:

Snapshot of the EPDnew FTP directory of November 2023. The acronym EPDnew refers to the newer versions of the Eukaryotic Promoter Database published in the format introduced in 2013. The directory contains all database versions for 15 model organisms released since then.
2023-03-28EPDEPD migrates to a new URL:

We are in the process of moving the EPD server to the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. The new server is up and ready for use. Final tests are underway. We encourage our users to switch to the new server as of now. The current URL "" will soon be automatically redirected.
2022-06-07BCHUBPreprint on BC Hub deposited in bioRχiv

This manuscript, which includes technical information as well as detailed presentations of several interesting use cases, is available at Happy reading!
2021-01-13BCHUBFirst release of the Breast Cancer Epigenomics Track Hub (V1.0)

We are very pleased to announce the first release of new UCSC-based visualization platform for cancer-related epigenetic data for the human genome assembly hg19. More information about the Breast Cancer Hub can be found here.
2019-04-26EPDFirst EPDnew release of non-coding RNA promoter collection for H. sapiens

We are very happy to announce the first release of a non-coding RNA promoter collection for H. sapiens, which encompasses antisense and long intergenic non-coding RNAs. It is based on the HGNC, Ensembl and RefSeq gene annotation, and it uses TSS mapping data from both the ENCODE and FANTOM5 consortia. More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and about its quality here.
2019-04-24MGANew data sets for H. sapiens, and G. gallus.

2019-02-06EPDNew tracks have been added for visualization of histone marks at the UCSC genome browser for several organisms.

Various histone marks for H. sapiens (hg19 and hg38), chicken (G. gallus) and baking yeast (S. cerevisiae) can now be viewed at the UCSC genome browser. Click on the links to see examples!
2019-02-05EPDNew tracks have been added for visualization of nucleosomes at the UCSC genome browser for several organisms.

Nucleosome maps for zebrafish (D. rerio), thale cress (A. thaliana), fission yeast (S. pombe) and roundworm (C. elegans) can now be viewed at the UCSC genome browser. Click on the links to see examples!
2018-11-26EPDWe are happy to announce the first EPDnew release of the human malaria parasite P. falciparum. Promoters are mapped to the Apr 2016 ASM276v2/pfa2 assembly release.

We provide support for the P. falciparum 3D7 genome at EPD (FTP site here) as well as at the ChIP-Seq and SSA Web tools. Transcript mapping data can be visualized at single-base resolution via the public "EPD viewer hub" at the UCSC genome browser.
2018-11-15MGAThe ReMap 2018 Collection of regulatory regions for human (hg38, hg19) has been added to the MGA database

Collection of regulatory regions in human deriving from a large-scale integrative analysis of ChIP-seq experiments for hundreds of transcriptional regulators (TRs) such as transcription factors, transcriptional co-activators and chromatin regulators. The ReMap 2018 collection comprises a total of 2829 ChIP-seq datasets covering a total of 485 TRs with a catalog of 80M peaks. More information about data samples and processing can be found on the doc page.
2018-10-29MGAA new ChIP-seq dataset for human (hg19) has been added to MGA: Mohammed 2015, Progesterone receptor modulates estrogen receptor-α action in breast cancer

ChIP-seq of ER-α, PR, p300 in two ER+ breast cancer cell lines (MCF7 and T47D), and in xenografted MCF7 tumors grown in mice. More information about data samples and processing can be found on the doc page.
2018-10-08PWMToolsNew PWMTools Software release

The new software release includes the following updates:
  • New C program pwm_scoring to score FASTA-formatted sequences with either an integer PWM or a base probability matrix;
  • New bash scripts: pwm_scan_ucsc and pwm_mscan_wrapper_ucsc to deal with chromosome files downloaded from UCSC;
  • New bash script pwmlib_scan_seq to scan a sequence with a PWM collection.
2018-10-08EPDWe are happy to announce the first EPDnew release of Chicken (G.gallus) and Dog (C.familiaris). Promoters are mapped to the Gallus_gallus-5.0/galGal5 and CanFam3.1/canFam3 assembly releases

We provide support for the G. gallus and C. familiaris genomes at EPD as well as at the ChIP-Seq and SSA Web tools. Compared to the corresponding ENSEMBL gene catalogs, the EPD promoter collections are of higher quality with improved distribution of core promoter elements in the expected positions.
2018-10-08ChIP-SeqNew Software release (1.5.4)

The new software release includes the following updates:
  • Replace format conversion Perl scripts,, and with corresponding C programs (sga2bed, sga2wig, bed2sga);
  • Add format conversion program bed2bed_display to convert BED to BED track suitable for visualizing signal peak regions;
  • chippeak: add check on chromosome boundaries after peak refinement;
  • chipcenter: add check on chromosome boundaries after read shifting;
  • Update User's Guide.
2018-08-19MGAAdditional TSS annotation for S. cerevisiae

An additional S. cerevisiae transcription start site annotation series has been added to the MGA database, which contains TSS coordinates of protein coding genes derived from the Saccharomyces Genome Database. More information about this series can be found in the corresponding doc page
2018-08-13PWMToolsImprovements on PWMTools

Most of the back-end software of the Word Analysis tool (MSeq) has been replaced by a faster implementation using C and C++.
2018-07-18PWMToolsPWMScan article: a fast tool for scanning entire genomes with a position-specific weight matrix, has been recommended in F1000Prime

PWMScan: a fast tool for scanning entire genomes with a position-specific weight matrix., Bioinformatics, 2018 (DOI: 10.3410/f.732809456.793548094), has been recommended in F1000Prime as being of special significance in its field by F1000 Faculty Member Wyeth W Wasserman. You can read Dr Wasserman's recommendation here.
2018-07-10EPDPlease help us made EPD better! Take our short survey here, it will take only a couple of minutes

We are constantly trying to make EPD and the EPD web-site better. To achieve this we need your help by taking our short survey on how you use EPD and what you would like to see in terms of tools and organisms covered. Please follow this link to access it.
2018-07-09EPDWe are happy to announce the first release of rat (R. norvegicus) promoter database. Promoters are mapped on Rnor_6.0/rn6, and cover 50% of ENSEMBL92 protein coding genes

With this release we start the support of R. norvegicus genome on EPD and its sisters tools (ChIP-Seq and SSA). Compared to ENSEMBL92 gene catalog, this promoter collection is of higher quality with much better distribution of core promoter elements in the expected positions.
2018-06-18EPDThe new release of EPDnew for mouse (v. 003) mapped on GRCm38/mm10 genome assembly is now available. It uses FANTOM5 data (almost 1000 samples) to validate more than 80% of promoters

We are pleased to announce the release of the newest mouse (M. musculus v003) promoter collection derived from the latest UCSC genes database and FANTOM5 data (965 samples). The data is mapped to GRCm38/mm10 genome assembly. Collection information and statistics can be found in the mouse EPDnew homepage
2018-06-06EPDA new release of EPDnew for A. thaliana (v. 004) is now available. It has more validated promoters and covers more genes than ever before.

We are pleased to announce the release of a new promoter database for A. thaliana. It uses data from 4 different published papers totalling 13 samples on different conditions and tissues.
2018-05-25PWMToolsAdd pseudo-weight option to scoring Tools (PWMEval and PWMScore)

To prevent a large proportion of zero-value scores, the letter-probability matrix can be re-normalized using an ad hoc pseudo-weight.
2018-05-23EPDWe have released the new EPDnew S. pombe (v. 002) promoter collection using new CAGE data. The coverage is now 94% of protein coding genes!

We are very happy to announce the release of a new promoter collection for S. pombe (v. 002). We used many more samples to validate promoters (16 compared to 1 for the previous release) and added 5-utr peaks in the processing pipeline. This has brought the coverage to more than 90% of annotated genes!. More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and about its quality here.
2018-05-17EPDWe released the new EPDnew H. sapiens (v. 006) promoter collection that for the first time uses paired-end TSS mapping technique (RAMPAGE) to annotate promoters!

We are very happy to announce the release of a new promoter collection for H. sapiens (v. 006). It is our first release that uses RAMPAGE data (paired-end TSS mapping) and is base on the latest Gencode gene annotation. It also uses data from both the ENCODE and FANTOM5 consortia. More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and about its quality here.
2018-04-24MGAAdded a new ChIP-seq dataset mapping FOXA1 and MLL3 in human breast cancer cells (mapped on hg19 genome assembly) containing both raw reads and published peaks.

ChIPseq of MLL3, FOXA1, GRHL2, H3K4me3, H3K4me1 in asynchronous MCF7 cells. More information about samples data processing can be found on the doc page.
2018-04-04MGANew data sets for H. sapiens, M. musculus, D. melanogaster, and D. rerio

2018-03-28MGANew data sets for H. sapiens and M. musculus

2018-03-06SSANew publication describing the PWMScan Tool

A new article describing the PWMScan Web server and source code has been published in Bioinformatics:
  • Ambrosini G. et al., PWMScan: a fast tool for scanning entire genomes with a position-specific weight matrix
    Bioinformatics, bty127
2018-03-06PWMToolsNew publication describing the PWMScan Tool

A new article describing the PWMScan Web server and source code has been published in Bioinformatics:
  • Ambrosini G. et al., PWMScan: a fast tool for scanning entire genomes with a position-specific weight matrix
    Bioinformatics, bty127
2018-03-06MGAAdd ranked chip-seq peak lists from ENCODE (hg19 assembly)

The peak files from the following data sets belonging to the ENCODE project have been processed again in order to include the "signalValue" measurement that is used to score the peaks:
2018-03-06ChIP-SeqNew publication describing the PWMScan Tool

A new article describing the PWMScan Web server and source code has been published in Bioinformatics:
  • Ambrosini G. et al., PWMScan: a fast tool for scanning entire genomes with a position-specific weight matrix
    Bioinformatics, bty127
2018-03-06ChIP-SeqAdd ranked chip-seq peak lists from ENCODE (hg19 assembly)

The peak files from the following data sets belonging to the ENCODE project have been processed again in order to include the "signalValue" measurement that is used to score the peaks:
2018-03-01PWMToolsPWMScan: software package for the command-line version

The software for running PWMScan in command-line mode is available on SourceForge at:
2018-03-01PWMToolsPWMScan: intersect genome-wide transcription factor binding predictions with BED-defined regions

The genome-wide motif matches identified by PWMScan are intersected, using the intersect tool of the BEDTools toolset, with BED-defined genomic regions that users can upload to the PWMScan Website. In addition, users have the possibility to upload sequence sets in FASTA format to limit the scanning process to user-defined nucleotide sequences.
2018-03-01PWMToolsNew PWM libraries: JASPAR CORE 2018, HOCOMOCO v11, SMiLE-seq and CIS-BP

The JASPAR CORE motif database has been updated to version JASPAR 2018, and the HOCOMOCO collection to version 11. Two new motif databases have been added to the PWMTools and SSA Web servers: - SMiLE-seq (for human, mouse, and fruit fly) - CIS-BP, a large Catalog of Inferred Sequence Binding Preferences, which includes more than 42
2018-03-01PWMToolsCompute the Background Base Composition on BED-restricted regions

Users can provide their own genomic regions (BED files or FASTA files) where to perform transcription factor binding site (TFBS) predictions. The BED-restricted background composition is automatically computed by the back-end software. Alternatively, users can provide their own background composition in the designated text box on the left side input form ("Bg base composition").
2018-03-01PWMToolsAdd genome assembly Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)

The genome assembly Xenopus laevis (NCBI version: Xenopus_laevis_v2, and UCSC assembly name: xenLae2) has been added to the PWMScan tool. Partial support for this genome assembly is provided by the ChIP-Seq and SSA Web servers.
2018-03-01ChIP-SeqAdd support for the genome assembly Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)

Partial support for the genome assembly Xenopus laevis (NCBI version: Xenopus_laevis_v2, and UCSC assembly name: xenLae2) has been added to the ChIP-Seq and SSA tools.
2017-10-24PWMToolsPWMScan: Speeding up the scanning process by parallelization

The scanning task has been sped up by distributing the application on several processing units.
2017-10-24MGANew datasets for C. elegans, S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and A thaliana

2017-08-31PWMToolsPWMTrain: new sequence library from SMiLE-seq (Isakova et al., 2017)

SMiLE-seq is a new technique for the characterization of DNA-binding proteins in a much faster, more accurate and efficient way. We added sequence data from Isakova et al., 2017 that includes 58 full-length human, mouse, and fruit fly transcription factors (TFs) from distinct structural classes.
2017-08-31ChIP-SeqChIP-Extract tool: new heatmap row ordering based on k-means Clustering

The rows of the heatmap generated by ChIP-Extract can now be ordered using three methods:
  • ordering based on the Resemblance to the Average Signal Pattern;
  • ordering by Center of Gravity from Left to Right;
  • ordering based on the k-means Clustering Algorithm.
2017-08-24EPDNew release of D. melanogaster EPDnew database (v. 005)

We are pleased to announce the release of a new promoter database for D. melanogaster. This release was generated using the recently published data from Schor et al., 2017 along data used in the previous versions. As usual, the quality of the release can be checked in the D. melanogaster database homepage and the procedure used to generate it in the documentation page.
2017-07-13PWMToolsNew MGA Query Page to easily access the MGA repository and Analysis Tools

A new Web page is available to full-text search our local collection of publicly available datasets, and easily navigate through our analysis tools:
2017-07-13MGAAdding support for the H. sapiens Dec 2013 GRCh38/hg38 genome assembly.

2017-07-10MGANew datasets for H. sapiens, M.musculus and D.melanogaster

16 new datasets (8 for H.sapiens Feb 2009 GRCh37/hg19, 6 for M.musculus July 2007 NCBI37/mm9 and 2 for D.melanogaster Aug 2014 BDGP Rel6 + ISO1 MT/dm6) have been added to the MGA database.
2017-07-10EPDNew release for EPDnew H. sapiens mapped on hg38 (v. 005)

We are very happy to announce the release of a new promoter collection for H. sapiens (v. 005). It is our first release for the latest human assembly (Dec 2013 GRCh38/hg38) based on the Gencode gene annotation. It is our best release so far, validating more promoters and covering more genes than ever before. It uses data from both the ENCODE and FANTOM5 consortia. More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and about its quality here.
2017-06-16MGANew Full-text Search Hub to easily access the MGA database and Analysis Tools

A new Web page is available to full-text search our local collection of publicly available datasets, and navigate through our analysis tools:
2017-06-13EPDNew release for EPDnew A. thaliana (v. 003)

A new promoter collection for A. thaliana (v. 003) is now available. With this version the number of promoters has increased more that 50% covering more that 77% of annotated genes. Data is from 3 publications: Morton et al., 2014, Cumbie et al. 2015 and Tokizawa et al. 2017. More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and here about its quality.
2017-06-12MGANew datasets for A. thaliana

Four new datasets for A. thaliana (Feb 2011 TAIR10/araTha1) have been added to the MGA database.
2017-05-19MGANew dataset for A. thaliana

One new dataset for A. thaliana (Feb 2011 TAIR10/araTha1) has been added to the MGA database.
  • Song 2016: ChIP-seq of abscisic acid-responsive transcription factors
2017-05-09MGANew dataset for H. sapiens

One new dataset for H. sapiens (Feb 2009 GRCh37/hg19 assembly) has been added to the MGA database.
2017-05-08EPD"Search Motif" tool of the promoter viewer page has been updated

We have greatly increased the motif search capabilities around promoters. The "Search Motif" tool has been upgraded with more motif libraries (JASPAR 2016, UniPROBE, SwissRegulon) and many more motifs. Moreover, users can now extend the search to a wider promoter region (up to 5 KB upstream and 1 KB downstream of the TSS) and change the cut-off. At the same time, we have redesigned the viewer page to make it easier to read. Take a look at the new page for the MAPK1 promoter.
2017-05-04EPDThe "Select / Download" tool has been given a redesign

We have updated the "Select / Download" tool with additional selection choices. It is now possible to select promoters using several different IDs (EPDnew ID, ENSEMBL, RefSeq, AGI, etc.) and to restrict the selection to the most representative promoter for a gene. The ID selection was previously done by the "Standard Search" tool. To avoid overlaps, the "Standard Search" will be dropped in a month.
2017-04-25ChIP-SeqChIP-Extract: more Heatmap ordering options

The order of the heatmap rows is re-calculated based on three different criteria: i) resemblance to the average signal pattern, ii) center of gravity of signal counts from left to right, iii) k-means clustering.
2017-04-24SSAOPROF/CPR: new Sequence Shuffling feature

Run the programs for both real and shuffled sequences and produce composite plots.
2017-03-20ChIP-SeqNew tool (ChIP-Track) for data visualization at UCSC

ChIP-Track is a tool that can be used to create wiggle custom tracks for data visualization through the UCSC Genome Browser.
2017-03-17MGAFive new datasets for H. sapiens

Five new data-sets for H. sapiens (Feb 2009 GRCh37/hg19 assembly) have just been added to the MGA database.
  • soufi12: Yamanaka factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc) ChIP-seq in reprogrammed fibroblasts.
  • kelly12: Nucleosome mapping in fibroblasts
  • yardimci14: DNase-seq of naked DNA from K562 and MCF7 cell lines
  • starick15: Glucocorticoid receptor ChIP-exo and ChIP-seq in IMR90, U2OS osteosarcoma and K562 cell lines
  • duttke15: 5-GRO-seq and GRO-seq in HelaS3 cells
2017-01-25EPDUpdated viewer page for A. thaliana, A. mellifera, Z. mays and S. pombe.

The viewer pages for A. thaliana, A. mellifera, Z. mays and S. pombe have been updated, adding a UCSC-derive picture of the genome context around promoters. Moreover, the UCSC Hub containing this data is now publicly available at UCSC.
2016-11-29EPDNew release for EPDnew D. melanogaster (v. 003)

A new promoter collection for D. melanogaster (v. 003) is now available. Data is from 4 publications: Ahsan et al., 2009; Hoskins et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2014; Ni et al., 2010. More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and about its quality here.
2016-11-29EPDNew publication describing the latest EPDnew databases

A new paper describing the latest implementations of EPDnew has been recently published in Nucleic Acid Research (Dreos et al., 2017). It reports the developments of EPDnew database and its expansion on non-vertebrate organisms. Finally, it describes the implementation of a novel tool: ChIP-Extract.
2016-11-22SSANew publication describing the ChIP-Seq tools

A new paper describing the ChIP-Seq tools and web portal has been published in BMC Genomics: Ambrosini et al., 2016
2016-11-22PWMToolsNew publication describing the ChIP-Seq tools

A new paper describing the ChIP-Seq tools and web portal has been published in BMC Genomics: Ambrosini et al., 2016
2016-11-22EPDNew publication describing the ChIP-Seq tools

A new paper describing the ChIP-Seq tools and web portal has been published in BMC Genomics: Ambrosini et al., 2016
2016-11-22ChIP-SeqNew publication describing the ChIP-Seq tools

A new paper describing the ChIP-Seq tools and web portal has been published in BMC Genomics: Ambrosini et al., 2016
2016-11-17EPDNew release for EPDnew A. thaliana (v. 002)

A new promoter collection for A. thaliana (v. 002) is now available. Data is from two publications: Morton et al., 2014 and Cumbie et al. 2015. More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and here about its quality.
2016-10-10EPDNew liftOver option added to "Select / Download" page

The liftOver tool has been added to the EPDnew Select / Download page. It is now possible to liftOver several EPDnew collections to other assemblies. To do so, first select promoters in the Select / Download page and then choose the destination assembly option in the output page. The selected promoters will be lifted over to the new assembly and provided in several file formats.
2016-09-12EPDNew release for EPDnew S. cerevisiae (v. 002)

We are very happy to announce the release of a new promoter collection for S. cerevisiae (v. 002). More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and here about its quality.
2016-09-07EPDNew release for EPDnew H. sapiens (v. 004)

We are very happy to announce the release of a new promoter collection for H. sapiens (v. 004). It is our best release so far, using data from both the ENCODE and FANTOM5 consortia. In total there are more than 1000 samples that validate this collection! As a result, it has the highest coverage and precision that we ever reach for EPDnew H. sapiens. More information about the protocol used to build this collection can be found here, and here about its quality.
2016-07-22EPDFirst release of EPDnew for Apis mellifera

We are happy to announce the first release of a promoter collection for Apis mellifera (Honey Bee). More information about the quality of this collection can be found here.
2016-07-20EPDRelease of EPD version 128

Automatic release of EPD based on EMBL 128. The user manual for this version can be read here
2016-06-13EPDFirst release of EPDnew for Zea mays

We are happy to announce the first release of a promoter collection for the important crop Zea mays (corn). This is our first collection for a monocot! With this collection, we made an important change in how promoters are ordered: transcription start sites that belong to the same gene are ordered according to their global expression level and not according to their position relative to each other. Here, primary TSSs (marked with a _1 at the end of their ID) have always the highest expression levels and are followed by all the other in decreasing order of expression. More information about the quality of this collection can be found here.
2016-04-13EPDRelease of EPD version 127

Automatic release of EPD based on EMBL 127. The user manual for this version can be read here.
2016-03-24MGANew dataset for mm9 (koch11): Maps of pre-initiation complex components in T-cells.

Map of pre-initiation complex (PIC) components in mouse primary T-cells. Data from Koch et al., 2011. More information about the series can be found here
2016-03-24MGANew dataset for hg19 (andersson14): H3K4me1 and H3K27ac in several blood cell types.

H3K4me1 and H3K27ac maps for a number of major human blood cell types (CD4, CD8, CD19 and CD56). Data is from Andersson et al., 2014. More information about this series can be found here
2016-03-22MGANew dataset for dm3 (weber14): Nucleosomes, H2A.Z and RNA in S2-DRSC knockdown cells.

Nucleosomes and H2A.Z maps in S2-DRSC with two knockdown genes (H2Av and YL1). PolII map at nucleotide resolution is done using a novel technique (3NT, mapping of the 3 end of nascent transcripts). Data from Weber et al., 2014, more information can be found here
2016-01-07MGANew dataset for hg19 (McCabe12): Analysis of H3K27me3 in EZH2 mutant and wild type DLBCL cell lines

This series analyses the H3K27me3 state in 3 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cell lines (Pfeiffer, KARPAS-422, WSU-DLCL2) after treatment with an EZH2 inhibitor (GSK126). Data is from McCabe et al., 2012, more information can be found here.
2015-12-04MGANew dataset for hg19 (tsankov15): TF binding dynamics during human ES cell differentiation

This series is part of the RoadMap consortium. It contains data for the HUES64 cell line (an embryonic stem cell) as it go through differentiation in meso-endoderm, mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. Several transcription factors and histone marks were analyzed at each stage of differentiation. Data is from Tsankov et al,. 2015, more information can be found here.
2015-11-16MGANew data set for hg19 (Su 2015): H3K27me3 and H3K27Ac profiles in multiple breast cancer fusions

To investigate the factors giving raise to a luminal or basal breast tumor subtype, the authors performed several cell fusions between luminal and basal-like cell lines. Fusions yielding viable and stable hybrids were then cultured and used for ChIP-seq assays against H3K27me3 and H3K27Ac. Data are from Su et al, 2015, more information can be found in the corresponding doc page.
2015-11-16EPDFirst release of EPDnew for S. pombe

We are happy to announce the release of EPDnew 001 for the model organism S. pombe. More information on the quality of the database can be found here, and on data used to generate it here.
2015-10-23EPDRelease of EPD version 125

Automatic release of EPD based on EMBL 125. The user manual for this version can be read here.
2015-10-21MGANew data set for hg19 (Locke 2015 ): Epigenetic remodelling in early breast carcinogenesis

The data in this series have been used to analyze the epigenome of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) and a matched variant cell population (vHMEC) that have spontaneously escaped senescence and undergone partial carcinogenic transformation. Histone marks were assayed using ChIP-seq and DNA methylation using Methylated DNA Binding Domain protein Capture (MBDCap-seq). Data are from Locke et al., 2015, more information can be found in the corresponding doc page.
2015-10-21MGANew EPDnew series for S. cerevisiae

The data include the release of EPDnew 001 for the model organism S. cerevisiae. More information can be found in the corresponding doc page.
2015-10-21MGANew ChIP-seq dataset for hg19 (Zwart 2013): ERα ChIP-seq from breast cancer biopsies

Thanks to an innovative experimental technique, ERα binding sites have been mapped genome-wide through ChIP-seq from 10'000 breast cancer MCF7 cells and tumour biopsies. Data are from Zwart et al., 2013, more information can be found in the corresponding doc page.
2015-10-08EPDFirst release of EPDnew for S. cerevisiae

We are happy to announce the release of EPDnew 001 for the model organism S. cerevisiae. More information on the quality of the database can be found here and on data used to generate it here
2015-09-16ChIP-SeqChIP-Seq on Amazon Cloud

A public AMI (Amazon Machine Image) has been created on AWS cloud with our ChIP-Seq analysis tools. The latest version of all the tools has been installed and configured.
2015-09-15MGANew ChIP-seq series for hg19: population measurements of TFs and histone variants

The data series waszak15 comprises population (47 samples) measurements of transcription factors (PU.1 and RPB2) and histone modifications (H3K27ac, H3K4me1 and H3k4me3) in lymphoblastoid cell lines for a subset of the 1000 Genomes Project CEPH samples. Data is from Waszak et al., 2015, more information can be found in the corresponding doc page.
2015-09-10MGANew A. thaliana CAGE series

A new series of 3 RNA-seq samples for A. thaliana has been added to the MGA database with name 'Cumbie 15, Nano-CAGE data of Arabidopsis roots'. This is a novel CAGE technique named Nano-CAGE-XL that promises higher coverage and sensitivity.
Data is from Cumbie et al., 2015, more information can be found in the corresponding doc page.
2015-08-25MGAWe are beginning the support of S. pombe

Schizosaccharomyces pombe MGA database has been populated with 4 data sets, marking the beginning of support for this organism. The 4 data sets are from a wide range of data types:
- 2 annotation sets from PomBase and RefSeq;
- 1 RNA-seq set (CAGE data) from Li et al., 2015;
- 1 ChIP-seq and MNase-seq set (Histone variants and modifications, nucleosomes) from DeGennaro et al., 2013.
2015-08-24ChIP-SeqRelease of ChIP-Seq 1.5-0

We are pleased to announce the release of ChIP-Seq 1.5-0. The ChIP-Seq software provides methods for the analysis of ChIP-seq data and other types of mass genome annotation data. The most common analysis tasks include positional correlation analysis, peak detection, and genome segmentation. Several format conversion applications are also included. ChIP-Seq 1.5-0 brings many updates and enhancements, among which the addition of a feature correlation and extraction tool (chipextract) that generates heatmaps in numerical format that can be easily imported by other tools such as the R software for statistical computing. The new software package can be downloaded from SourceForge.
2015-08-15SSAImprovements on the SSA server navigation tools

Allow upload of SGA and BED formatted files, allow upload via URL, and offer the possibility to specify a genome release. The Drosophila OnTheFly 2014 PWM collection has been added to the server menus.
2015-08-11PWMToolsNew implementation of the matrix_scan program (PWMScan)

The matrix_scan algorithm has been implemented in C, resulting in a more efficient program.
2015-07-13EPDRelease of EPD version 124

Automatic release of EPD based on EMBL 124. The user manual for this version can be read here.
2014-12-10EPDReleased EPDnew collection version 001 for A. thaliana (thale cress) annotated on TAIR10/araTha1 genome
2014-08-21EPDReleased EPDnew collection version 001 for C. elegans (worm) annotated on ce6 genome
2014-06-16EPDReleased new web-site
2014-06-16EPDReleased EPDnew collection version 003 for Homo sapiens (human) annotated on hg19 genome
2014-06-16EPDReleased EPDnew collection version 002 for Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) annotated on dm3 genome
2014-05-23EPDReleased EPDnew collection version 002 for Mus musculus (mouse) annotated on mm9 genome
2013-09-18EPDReleased EPDnew collection version 001 for Danio rerio (zebrafish) annotated on Zv9/danRer7 genome
2013-02-06EPDReleased EPDnew collection version 002 for Homo sapiens annotated on hg19 genome
2012-09-26EPDReleased EPDnew collection version 001 for Drosophila melanogaster
2012-03-09EPDReleased ENSEMBL66 promoter database for Drosophila melanogaster
2012-03-02EPDReleased ENSEMBL66 promoter database for human
2012-03-01EPDNew web-site design implemented
2012-02-15EPDEPDnew mouse created version 000
2012-02-05EPDAdded ENSEMBL65 for human and mouse collections
2012-02-01EPDEPDnew human upgraded to version 001

Last update Oct 2023